Once there were two rival giants, a huge Scottish giant called Benandonner who loved throwing boulders as far as he could.
One of the boulders hits its target, the other smaller giant, Finn Mac Cool, in Ireland. Benandonner hollered across the sea demanding a strength contest which Finn agreed to.
To make the competition possible Finn decides to build a rocky causeway across the sea connecting the two countries.
After hours of working Finn is exhausted and falls asleep.
Finn Mac Cools wife Oonagh, a giantess, hears thunderous sounds.
She sees the gigantic Benandonner crossing the finished causeway while Finn sleeps.
She couldn’t wake Finn and quickly covers Finn with her blanket because she knows he will be no match for the Scottish giant.
When Benandonner finds them he peers down and mistakes the sleeping Finn for a massive baby.
Panicked Benandonner thinks that the father of a massive sleeping baby must be enormous and doesn’t want to wait around to find out.
Benandonner hastily retreats back to Scotland destroying the causeway in his wake.